AI Tutor for K-12 Students

  • all school subjects
  • full functionality absolutely free for 10 days
  • application for smartphones and website
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Get perfect grades with Winny

  • Skyrocketing Academic Performance

    With Winny's 24/7 tutoring, students receive constant support, leading to a better understanding of complex topics and resulting in higher grades and improved exam outcomes.

  • Boosted Confidence & Independence

    Winny is more than a tutor; it helps students believe in themselves. They learn more and start thinking for themselves

  • Real-time Progress Insights and Feedback

    With Winny, your academic journey is in focus. We reveal a student's trajectory, highlighting their strengths and areas that need extra attention

We have mixed AI-technology with the two most effective educational approaches: mastery learning and one-on-one tutoring.

The result is Winny

Аn AI-powered smart tutor that teaches your child, not solving problems instead of him.

Your best friend in education!

How Winny helps in school learning

  • You aren’t limited to 1-hour tutor sessions like you are with a regular tutor. Winny will help anyday anytime even if it’s a sleepless night before exams.

  • Motivation means more than anything else in education. Winny is not a strict tutor, it’s a friend that will cheer up for every success and give real empathy for every mistake.

  • Imagine if you need to go to grandma’s birthday but your child has a scheduled tutor session. No more problems like this. Practice anytime you want.

  • As a result, you can spend time with your children going for a walk instead of sitting home and helping with homework.

  • Not just text; Winny supports audio messages, offering a more dynamic interaction.

  • Winny inquires about their school day and gently reminds them to complete pending homework.

  • Let Winny assist. No more evenings spent helping with assignments; parents can trust Winny to guide their child effectively.

How it works

  • Step 1

    Face a Challenge? Just Ask Winny!

    The student tells Winny their problem, just like talking to a real tutor

  • Step 2

    Discover Solutions Together

    Instead of straight answers, Winny asks guiding questions, helping students understand topics deeply

  • Step 3

    Review Immediate Education Feedback

    Based on your conversations with Winny, we give you a clear picture of your strengths and areas to improve. Our user-friendly dashboard makes tracking progress simple.

  • Step 4

    Stay on Track with Friendly Reminders

    Winny initiates chats with questions like 'How was school today?'. It's like having a tutor and a friend in one, always there to help with studies or just chat.

What you can learn with Winny

You can add as many subjects as you need. Winny has deeply learnt with all the school subjects to help K-12 students master the knowledge.

  • Math
  • English
  • Arts
  • Linguistics
  • History
  • Economics
  • Computing
  • Science
And 16 others!
Sign Up For Free

Winny is a friend, not a machine

Winny is set up in a way to give full empathy and be a real friend. It talks like a real human and will totally support your child in any problem or question.


Upon registration, you will receive a 10-day trial period with full functionality

  • Forever free

    Winny will always support you even if you decide to cancel subscription

    • 1  subject
    • 1 hour of chatting
      30 messages per month
  • Tutor

    Doubting our service? Start improving in the top 3 toughest subjects

    • 3  subjects
    • audio messages
    • 6 hours of chatting
      180 messages per month
  • Expert

    Ideal for everyday learning

    • 6  subjects
    • audio messages
    • Photo messages
    • 12 hours of chatting
      360 messages per month
  • Guru

    The best for intensive study and exam preparation

    • 12  subjects
    • audio messages
    • Photo messages
    • 24 hours of chatting
      720 messages per month

Forever free

Winny will always support you even if you decide to cancel subscription

  • 1  subject
  • 1 hour of chatting
    30 messages per month


Doubting our service? Start improving in the top 3 toughest subjects

  • 3  subjects
  • audio messages
  • 6 hours of chatting
    180 messages per month


Ideal for everyday learning

  • 6  subjects
  • audio messages
  • Photo messages
  • 12 hours of chatting
    360 messages per month


The best for intensive study and exam preparation

  • 12  subjects
  • audio messages
  • Photo messages
  • 24 hours of chatting
    720 messages per month

Use for free!

Share the app with friends and get hundreds of free messages

What parents told us about Winny

Sophie R.

Mother of two

Before Winny, both my kids struggled with different subjects, and I often felt helpless. Now, with Winny's tailored approach, not only are their grades improving, but their confidence is skyrocketing too! It's like having a personal tutor available 24/7, without the hefty price tag.

Manish P.

Father of a 9th Grader

Homework time was a daily battle in our house. But since introducing Winny, my son has found a trusted companion to guide him. What's incredible is how the AI adapts to his learning style. It's made a world of difference!

Lizbeth J.

Single Mother

I work late hours and was always worried about not being able to help my daughter with her homework. Winny has been a game-changer. It doesn't just provide answers, but helps her understand concepts. Grateful for this innovative service!

Michael L.

Father of a 7th Grader

We've tried tutors in the past, but nothing compares to Winny. It's interactive, engaging, and truly understands my child's needs. It's not just a tool; it's become an integral part of our learning journey.

Anita W.

Mother of twins

With twins studying different curriculums, it was a juggling act. Winny has been a lifesaver. Both my kids receive personalized attention and the results are evident in their report cards. Every parent needs this in their arsenal!

Your best friend in education!

Shaping Tomorrow, Today

Every child. Every dream. Every opportunity. Winny harnesses AI to bring personalized, world-class education to all, crafting a brighter, more informed world for the generations to come.

Most effective educational approaches is what inside the Winny

Benjamin Bloom’s 2-sigma theory: Studying by asking questions, not giving answer

  • Encourages Thinking Deeply:

    Bloom's approach helps students think more than just memorizing. It's about understanding and using knowledge, which is critical for real-life and jobs.

  • Tailored Learning:

    With a one-on-one approach, Bloom's Taxonomy can be customized to match the student's needs. It works for beginners and advanced learners as it perfectly adapts to each person.

  • Boosts Creativity:

    Bloom's Taxonomy also helps creative thinking. It's useful for solving tricky problems and coming up with new ideas in different parts of life.

Winny is backed by innovative technologies

  • Custom Textbook Learning

    Winny doesn’t just offer generic exercises. It provides interactive quizzes and tasks tailored to your child's specific textbooks, making learning relevant and directly aligned with school curricula

  • Safety and Privacy

    Winny employs top-notch security protocols, ensuring that all interactions are safe and student data remains private

  • Enhanced GPT-4

    Harnessing the power of GPT-4, Winny offers natural, human-like conversations. Our fine-tuned neural networks mean the AI understands and adapts specifically to the educational needs of K-12 students


  • Winny stands out with its AI-driven, chat-based tutoring approach. While platforms like ChatGPT merely provide answers, Winny takes a Socratic approach, guiding students step-by-step, prompting them to think critically and understand the underlying concepts. This interactive and adaptive method fosters true understanding rather than rote memorization.

  • Winny uses advanced AI algorithms to understand each student's learning style, strengths, and areas of challenge. Over time, as students interact more with Winny, the system becomes better at offering tailored assistance that suits the individual's unique learning needs.

  • Parents have access to a dedicated dashboard where they can track their child's academic progress, view subject statuses, and receive Winny's advice on areas that might need more attention. This way, parents stay informed and engaged in their child's learning journey.

  • Winny serves as a valuable supplemental tool for teachers. They can view aggregated data on how their class is performing on specific topics, which can inform classroom instruction. By understanding where students might be struggling outside the classroom, teachers can better tailor their lessons and offer additional support where needed.

  • Yes, Winny is designed to assist with a wide range of K-12 subjects, from basic arithmetic to advanced topics in science and humanities. As we continuously update our database, Winny is ever-evolving to cover a broader curriculum.

  • Winny goes beyond just homework support. For exam preparation, students can select from a list of available study materials tailored to their specific subject. Preparing for the SAT Math section? Simply choose the relevant SAT Math prep material from our list, and Winny will guide you through targeted practice, ensuring you're set for success.

  • Unlike generic AI systems that offer broad answers, Winny's strength lies in its adaptability to specific school curricula. When a student adds their school's textbook for a specific subject into their Winny account, the assistance they receive becomes tailored, reflecting the exact content and approach of their classroom teachings. For instance, if a Jefferson High student is using the "Mathematics for the Modern World" textbook for Algebra, adding it to Winny ensures the guidance aligns seamlessly with their school lessons.

  • Absolutely. Safety is a top priority for us. Winny is built with stringent data protection measures. We never share personal data, and all interactions are encrypted. Additionally, Winny is designed to be kid-friendly, ensuring a respectful and secure learning environment.

  • While Winny offers a powerful, personalized learning experience, it complements rather than replaces traditional tutoring. It's like having on-demand assistance 24/7. However, some students might still benefit from the human touch and personalized feedback that face-to-face tutoring offers.

  • Not at all! Beyond being an educational assistant, Winny is designed to be "Your best friend in education!" Students can discuss any problems or topics from their lives, whether academic or personal. Winny provides understanding and support, just like a trustworthy friend would, ensuring that every student feels heard and supported.

  • No, you only pay for outgoing messages. The responses you receive from Winny to your inquiries are not subject to charges.

  • Don't worry! Besides the option to upgrade your plan, simply share your personal Winny link with friends or others:

    • For registering a friend with account confirmation, you will receive 20 messages, and for their first purchase - 100
    • Share with friends from another country and get 3 times more messages!
    • The link is located in the “account” section, under “share the app”
    • In a personal meeting, you can show the QR code directly in the app, and your friend can scan it